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Available jobs

This page is for users

This page presents the available jobs and their parameters. It is aimed to show to a user of the WUI how to use these jobs.

If you want sysadmin-oriented information, please consult the related page. For developer-oriented information, please consult the other related page.


Not enabled by default

Due to the obvious dangerousness of letting a user trigger OS commands, the following jobs are disabled by default. These can be enabled by editing the jobs and setting the info key enabled to True.

This module contains two jobs:

  • Shell Command: It runs an OS command tokenized into a list of arguments.

Shell Command

  • Raw Shell Command: It runs a raw OS command.

Raw Shell Command


This module contains one job:

  • Censys - Hosts and open ports check: It checks a list of IP addresses and networks (in CIDR notation) for publicly accessible ports.

Censys - Hosts and open ports check

API ID and secret required

This job requires that you subscribe on Censys and that you ask for an API identifier and secret.


This module contains one job:

  • GhostProject - Emails check for known passwords: It checks a list of email addresses for publicly associated passwords.

GhostProject - Emails check for known passwords

Have I Been Pwned?

This module contains two jobs:

  • Have I Been Pwned? - Breached domains check: It checks a list of email addresses or domains for known data breaches (having leaked addresses and passwords).

Have I Been Pwned? - Breached domains check

  • Have I Been Pwned? - Pwned passwords check: It checks a list of passwords for publicly known ones.

Have I Been Pwned? - Pwned passwords check


This service uses k-anonymity to preserve privacy and prevent linking submitted passwords by only using the first 5 characters of the SHA1 hash.

Have I Been Sold?

This module contains one job:

  • Have I Been Sold - Emails check: It checks a list of email addresses against a database of publicly sold emails (e.g. for advertising).

Have I Been Sold - Emails check

Nuclear Leaks

This module contains one job:

  • NuclearLeaks - Breached domains check: It checks a list of domains for known data breaches (having leaked addresses and passwords).

NuclearLeaks - Breached domains check


This module contains one job:

  • Shodan - Hosts and open services check: It checks a list of IP addresses and networks (in CIDR notation) for publicly accessible services. It is more detailed than the job Censys - Hosts and open ports check.

Shodan - Hosts and open services check

API key required

This job requires that you subscribe on Shodan and that you purchase an API key.