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How to make a job

This page is for developers

This page explains how to create new jobs for integration into the project. It is aimed to show to a developer some steps to successfully make a new job.

If you want sysadmin-oriented information, please consult the related page. For user-oriented information, please consult the other related page.


The plugin architecture of this project relies on the jobs folder(s), configurable through the --jobs option of the basic options (see the Server tuning section). These jobs folders are Python packages to be imported by the main application.

$ ./bots-scheduler run [...] --jobs my-jobs-folder --jobs my-other-jobs-folder

A folder can contain job class definitions in Python modules that will be dynamically loaded. The API for job class' definition is slightly enhanced regarding this of NdScheduler, for the sake of simplicity.

Job class template

On the contrary of NdScheduler, in this project, ndscheduler.job.JobBase can be subclassed as many times as needed without having each proxy class being captured as a usable job class. In other words, only leaf job classes in the inheritance tree are loaded.

The following snippet shows a job class template:

from botscheduler import *

class TestJob(JobBase):
    info = {
        'job_class_name':    "This will be displayed as the job class name",
        'notes':             "This will do something",
        'arguments':         [],
        'example_arguments': "",
        'report_title':      "An example report",
        'enabled':           True,

    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # do something
        # compute report_items here
        return item1, item2, ...

In this template, we notice:

  • The wildcard import from botscheduler, required for the JobBase, particular decorators and report object classes.
  • The job metadata in the info dictionary, holding job's information for display in the WUI.
  • The run method, decorated with the report decorator, returning a list of report objects.

For the job information, note that:

  • job_class_name is displayed in the dropdown list when adding or modifying a job. Beware of name clashes as multiple classes can be defined at different locations, thus having a unique job class string (e.g. shell.ShellCommand and myjob.ShellCommand) while being displayed as the same name in the WUI.
  • arguments is a list of dictionaries, one per argument, with the type and description fields. These are displayed in the WUI as help when adding or modifying a job.
  • report_title holds a static report title but can be omitted if the first return value of the run method is itself a title report object.
  • enabled is True by default for any job class. It can thus be omitted for enabled jobs but must be included for disabling one (e.g. shell.RawShellCommand).

Jobs visibility

A job that has its enabled property set to False will not be visible at all in the WUI, that is, in the Jobs section but in the Executions and Logs sections as well.

Shell commands enabled In this example, job executions and related audit logs will be viewable. Shell commands disabled In this example, job executions and related audit logs will NOT be viewable.

Report objects

As mentioned before, report objects can be used to tune report's layout to be displayed for an execution in the WUI. The following screenshot shows where a report is generated and how it looks like.

Job execution report from the list of executions Job execution report shown in a modal

A report is an assembly of objects from Tinyscript's report feature. For a complete list of report objects and more, please refer to this documentation. The most relevant report object classes in this project are:

Class HTML tag Description
Code(c) pre Code block, taking 1 argument: the [c]ode
Data(d) Data [d]ictionary ; its HTML is generated using json2html
Image(s,d,w,h) img Image reference, taking up to 4 arguments: the [s]ource and optionally a [d]escription, the [w]idth and the [h]eight
List(*i) ol, ul List of [i]tems that can be ordered or not
Table(d,ch,rh,cf) table Table with column and row headers, taking 3 arguments : a list of rows as the [d]ata, a list of [c]olumn [h]eaders, a list of [r]ow [h]eaders and a list of [c]olumn [f]ooters
Text(c,t) p Text paragraph, taking 1 argument : the [c]ontent to be displayed as a paragraph or any user-defined [t]ag
Section(t) h2 Bold section title line, taking 1 argument : section title's [t]ext
Subsection(t) h3 Bold section title line, taking 1 argument : subsection title's [t]ext

By convention, the available jobs use the Section object class for their report title. For instance, in the case of haveibeenpwned.PwnedPasswordsJob, the return list of the run method holding the report objects simply consist of:

Section("Pwned passwords found on HaveIBeenPwned?")

Report object nesting

Report objects can be nested, e.g. Table([[img, Data(d)]]).

Another interesting example is this of ghostproject.GhostProjectJob:

Section("Email addresses with known passwords found on GhostProject")

The robot getting the pwned passwords per email address formats it as a dictionary, suitable for use with the Data report object, hence the simplicity in its definition as here before.

Robot classes

Defining a job class is one issue, writing robot classes in PyBots is another. Of course, the run method can always contain machinery to perform complex network communication tasks, but PyBots is aimed at standardizing the way robots are made and used through context managers. If you would like to get a new robot implemented for use in a Bots Scheduler job, please submit an enhancement issue or implement it yourself, preferably sending a pull request for incrementing the library.

The way robots from PyBots can be used is particularly convenient for sparing lines of code in job class definitions. For instance, nuclearleaks.NuclearLeaksJob's run method starts with:

def run(self, emails_domains_path, **kwargs):
    with NuclearLeaksBot() as bot:
        results = bot.breaches_from_file(emails_domains_path)

The whole work is done by the NuclearLeaksBot that exposes a very simple interface for getting its result.

Another example is shodan.ShodanHostsCheckJob that calls ShodanBot, itself relying on ShodanAPI that implements the full API as of this documentation.